
Five causes of hair fall in women

Hair fall is a serious threat to one’s physical appearance. If not taken care of can result in baldness which further results in the destruction of one’s personality. If you are suffering from hair fall, we suggest that you maintain a protein-enriched diet and do exercise to maintain fitness. Before we discuss the causes of hair fall in women, let’s first discuss a little about hair growth.

Human hair is made up of a protein called keratin which is formed in hair follicles in the outer layer of the skin. As follicles in the scalp produce new keratin cells, old cells are being pushed out through the surface of the skin at the rate of approx. six inches a year, the hair you touch and see is doubtlessly a string of dead hair cells. The average adult loses up to 100 hair strands a day. So noticing a few hairs on your hairbrush is not alarming however if the number increases then it must be taken into consideration.

About 90% of the hair on a person’s scalp is in a growing process at any one time. Each follicle has its life cycle which can be affected by a disease, growing age, pregnancy, thyroid disorders, anemia, autoimmune diseases, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), skin conditions like psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis and a variety of other factors.

This life cycle of hair is divided into three phases:

  • Anagen – active hair growth that remain between two to six years
  • Catagen – transitional hair growth that remain between two to three weeks
  • Telogen – a resting stage that lasts about two to three months; at the end of the resting stage the hair is shed and a new hair substitutes it and the growing cycle begins again.

The life cycle of a hair:

Every hair creates from a follicle — a restricted pocket in the skin — and experiences three periods of development. Anagen (A), the dynamic development stage, keeps going two to seven years. Catagen (B), the change stage, keeps going around fourteen days.

During this stage, the hair shaft pushes upward toward the skin’s surface, and the dermal papilla (the structure that feeds cells that offer ascent to hair) starts to isolate from the follicle. Telogen (C), the resting stage, keeps going around a quarter of a year and comes full circle in the shedding of the hair shaft.

A clinician analyzes female example balding by taking a clinical history and inspecting the scalp. She or he will watch the example of going bald, check for indications of aggravation or contamination, and perhaps request blood tests to explore other potential reasons for going bald, including hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and iron insufficiency.

Except if there are indications of abundance androgen action, (for example, menstrual inconsistencies, skin break out, and undesirable hair development), a hormonal assessment is generally superfluous.

Hair transplantation:

Hair transplantation, a methodology utilized in the United States since the 1950s to treat androgenic alopecia, includes expelling a portion of scalp from the rear of the head and utilizing it to fill in a bare fix.

Today, 90% of hair-transplant specialists utilize a method called follicular unit transplantation, which was presented in the mid-1990s.

During this method, specialists expel a tight segment of scalp and separation into many minuscule joins, each containing only a couple of hairs. Each join is planted in a cut in the scalp made by a cutting edge or needle in the territory of missing hair.

Hair develops normally along these lines, in little bunches of one to four follicles, called follicular units. Accordingly, the join looks better than the bigger “plugs” related to hair transplants of days of old.

Side effects:

Balding can show up from multiple points of view, contingent upon what’s causing it. It can come on out of nowhere or slowly and influence only your scalp or your entire body.

Signs and manifestations of going bald may include:

If you are asking yourself the question that why does my hair fall out? Then continue reading because you are about to know why.

Steady diminishing on the head of the head:

This is the most widely recognized sort of balding, influencing individuals as they age. In men, hair regularly starts to retreat at the hairline on the brow.

Ladies regularly have an expanding of the part in their hair. An inexorably basic balding example in more seasoned ladies is a retreating hairline (frontal fibrosing alopecia).

Round or sketchy uncovered spots:

A few people lose hair in a roundabout or sketchy uncovered spots on the scalp, facial hair or eyebrows. Your skin may get irritated or agonizing before the hair drops out.

The abrupt slackening of hair:

A physical or passionate stun can make hair slacken. Bunches of hair may come out when brushing or washing your hair or much after delicate pulling. This sort of balding as a rule causes generally hair diminishing yet is transitory.

Full-body going bald:

A few conditions and clinical medicines, for example, chemotherapy for malignant growth, can bring about the loss of hair all over your body. The hair typically becomes back.

Patches of scaling that spread over the scalp:

This is an indication of ringworm. It might be joined by broken hair, redness, expanding, and, on occasion, overflowing.

Risk factors:

Various elements can expand your danger of going bald, including:

  • A family ancestry of going bald on your mom’s or father’s side
  • Age
  • Huge weight reduction
  • Certain ailments, for example, diabetes and lupus
  • Stress
  • Helpless sustenance


Most hairlessness is brought about by hereditary qualities (male-design sparseness and female-design hairlessness). This kind of going bald isn’t preventable.

These tips may assist you with evading preventable sorts of balding:

  • Be delicate with your hair – Utilize a detangler and abstain from pulling when brushing and brushing, particularly when your hair is wet. A wide-toothed brush may help forestall pulling out hair.
  • Maintain a strategic distance from brutal medicines, for example, hot rollers, hair curling accessories, hot-oil medicines, and permanents. Cutoff the strain on hair from styles that utilization elastic groups, barrettes, and twists.
  • Get some information about meds and enhancements you take that may cause going bald.
  • Shield your hair from daylight and different wellsprings of bright light.
  • Quit smoking – a few examinations show a relationship between smoking and hair sparseness in men.
  • In case you’re being treated with chemotherapy, get some information about a cooling top. This top can diminish your danger of losing hair during chemotherapy.

Causes of hair fall in women

Genetic hair loss:

Genetic hair loss is known as androgenetic alopecia and is the most common cause of hair loss. This gene can be received from either your father’s or mother’s side of the family, though there are more chances that you’ll get this if both your parents had hair loss.

Skin condition of the scalp:

An unhealthy scalp can cause inflammation that makes it more difficult for hair to grow. Moreover, skin conditions that give rise to hair loss consist of seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff), psoriasis, and fungal infections such as ringworm.

Dandruff causes the scalp to shed it’s skinned a yellowish greasy scales which can be seen on your shoulders and hair. This may be the result of excess oil in the skin, hormonal changes, or yeast called Malassezia.

Excessive styling:

Another major reason for hair loss in women is excessive styling, women as we know are beauty conscious creatures thus they take several measures to look more beautiful, and appealing styling hair is one of them. There is no doubt use of blow dryers, hair straighteners and hair wax add up to a woman’s beauty but they have their harsh side effects too.

Hair straightening treatments like rebonding have severe effects on a woman’s hair and dying hair too weakens the hair from the inside making it prone to breaking and hair fall out. Moreover shampooing daily can also affect your hair’s health. So one should minimize the use of these for overall better health of your hair.

Telogen Effluvium:

Telogen Effluvium is a phenomenon that takes place after, major surgery, extreme stress, drastic weight loss, or pregnancy.

In this phenomenon, you shed a huge amount of hair daily, especially when, styling, shampooing, or brushing hair. It can also be the side effect of certain medications like antidepressants. During Telogen Effluvium, hair shifts more rapidly than normal from its growing stage into the “resting” stage before moving quickly into the shedding, or telogen, phase.


Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease in which the human body’s immune system attacks the healthy tissues. This is a very different condition that affects about 1.5 million people and tends to strike women during their childbearing years.

Symptoms of this disease include high fever, headaches, extreme fatigue, and painful swollen joints, etc.

Hair loss doesn’t just affect your looks—it’s an important indicator of your health. If you are going through hair loss – a phase in which hair fall out, talk to your dermatologist.

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